Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Last night the Viking lost 29-20 to the Jets after playing a good second half of a game. Unfortunately the first half sucked and the mistakes that were made in the second ended up costing them the game. Basically the Vikings have nothing but suck this year so far. So I have the following suggestions on how to turn the team from their current suckiness into a Super Bowl winning team

Replace the QBs with ninjas
Farve has the record for most intercepted passes. Last night I think he threw 2 completed passed the entire first half. That is not good. Ninjas meanwhile are trained to throw shuriken with deadly accuracy. Imagine what they could do with a foot ball. Plus, if the other team get near the QB, they are ninjas. Even with out killing anyone, they won't be going down. They'll just jump over anyone that tries sacking them or do a flip or something. Of course that is unlikely if they take my next suggestion.

Replace the offensive line with Walls from Magic: The Gathering
The offensive line has let through far to many people over the years. it's time to replace them with Wall cards from Magic. I'm thinking Wall Of Junk because it is the strongest one I could find. If you aren't familiar with the game, Walls can't (usually, some can) attack, but you pretty much have to destroy them before you can attack any other monsters or your opponent. And with a toughness of 7, Wall of Junk can take lots of damage. Think of toughness as HP. 7 might not seem like much, but when most other cards have a strength (attack) of only 2 or 3, that makes them fairly tough. They should be able to take a few hits before going down. That should give the ninja QBs plenty of time.

Replace the running backs with robots
Especially Peterson. the guy drops the ball half the time he has it. A robot wouldn't have that problem. The only downside to robots would be that, in order to make one that doesn't get knocked down easily, they would have to be slow. But that would also mean it would be able to take several hits before going down and could probably carry half the opposing team with it, so that wouldn't really matter.

Give all Receivers stretching powers
There were lots of incomplete passes last night that were just out of reach. with Elasticity that wouldn't be a problem. Imagine a team where Reed Richards, Elongated Man, and Plastic Man were the receivers. No incomplete passes ever! And it would cut down on the interceptions since they could grab the ball a few feet from anyone trying to intercept.

Replace the defense with Orcs
Except for the Wall that is. Those four are tough enough as it is. Plus there is the possibility that i Allen was an orc, he might eat people he sacked, and that would be bad. I'm not talking the Lord Of The Rings version, but the blood thirsty killing machines from Warcraft (or Warhammer, but Warcraft is better because they can actually thing something other then "Me Hungary") The other team's offense would be to busy crapping their pants to do anything.


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