Wednesday, March 23, 2005

First Post

YEAH! The first post ever in the history of this post!

Ok, that's about it.

Seriously folks. There's nothing to see here. Please continue surfing.

Ok folks. If your that desperate to read a Blog, check out Kim Du Toit's excellent Blog.

Ok, you done reading all of Kim Du Toit's posts. Check this one out. Armed and Gregarious, an excellent blog by my good friend Habbs.

Ok folks. I'm not going to post anything else tonight. It's late (for most people. 11:30 is early for me since I go to bed around 2, but for most people it's late.) If your that desperate to read the next post (possible titled "Second Post") Keep clicking Reload or hitting F5. Or better yet, get one of those drinking bird things and use it to keep clicking F5, like Homer did. That way you'll be one of the first people in the entire universe to read my next post. Good for you.

BTW. if using the bird leads to something bad involving a nuclear reactor, you never read this.

Talk To Ya Later




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