Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Race Day

I was at Walmart today and decided to see if they had gotten any more Pirates Of The Spanish Main packs in. Unfortunatly they didn, but I did see Wiz Kids' new game, Race Day. Being a fan of all things Wiz Kids, and wanting to try the game before getting some for my dad who is a huge NASCAR fan, I grabbed a pack.

Of course the first thing I did was see which cars I had (Kyle Busch and Dale Jarrett, the Kellogges and UPS cars) and read the rules. Then it was time to build and I have to admit, the cars look pretty cool. Just one word of warning. Becareful when putting on the wheels. I broke two of the tabs what hold the wheels wheel I was putting together the UPS car, and unlike Pirates, where you can fix a broken sail tab, there was no fixing this. I ended up using some toothpicks and tape to put the wheels on. fortunatly they are on oposite ends and sides, so it isn't that noticable.

Now onto the most important part, the game play. I was a little disappointed here. It was fun. You roll the die and move your car. The part that disappointed me was the fact that it felt like a board game. There was some cool stuff. Depending on how you move, you can take damage. You can step on it and move two extra spaces at the risk of damaging your engine, but that was about it.

Fortunatly this is just my first impression. With more cars and advanced rules, which become available by collecting the parts of the super speedway map, it should be alot more fun.

If you get just one pack, you will probobly be disappointed, but over all I thought it was a good game. If you are a minis fan, or a racing fan, I highly recommend it.

On a side note, I went to Wiz Kids website to see if I could get the advancd rules there, and I found out that the game doesn't officialy come out until tomarrow! Now If Walmart would just do that with the next Heroclix (or better yet Mechwarrior or Mage Knight) release or the next Pirates or Rocket Man expansion, I would be a happy gamer.


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