Monday, November 14, 2005

No Second Hand Games For PS3?

I found this at Opposable Thumbs and a similar article at The Inquirer. (the articles are here and here.) Here is the text from the OT article.

Used games are important to the actual business of video games. Services like Gamefly, and the chain and independent video game stores all make the lion's share of their money from renting and selling used games. It's hard to overestimate how much money there is in used game sales.

Now the rumors are popping up that the PS3 won't be able to play "used" games. The idea is each game has a code that locks it into your system, so there would be no way to loan it to a friend, sell it, or buy a used game and have it work. This sort of thing would make developers very happy, since they receive no benefits or money from the secondary market in games. The console maker's also don't get their cut from used game sales, so this move would make financial sense for Sony. Sony is also pretty DRM-happy, so this wouldn't come as much of a surprise from them.

I'm not buying it, this is a pretty old patent, and this would most certainly turn more people against them then it would make them money. Can you imagine a system where you couldn't bum a game from a friend? Or rent a title you were unsure of? Gamefly would almost certainly go under. While Sony has to look out for themselves, this would burn way too many bridges for them to continue to have any good will with a large number of retailers.

Still, you can't help but think that something like this is inevitable in the long run. PC gamers have had to put up with increasingly invasive tools against piracy, and console gamers can expect the same in the future. I just don't think it's this close.

I doubt that Sony would do this, but if they do, then the only next gen system I plan on buying is the Revolution. Being able to barrow or rent games, as well as the ability to buy and sell used games is vital to the industry. If I hadn't been able to barrow or rent several of the games I own, then my collection would be a lot smaller. What Sony needs to realize before they decide to implement this tech into the PS3 is that the software sells the system. If gamers are unable to try games they are unsure of, they will not buy them. Likewise, If they can not play rented games, they are less likely to buy the system.


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