Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Turning Point Tonight!

I am kind of excited right now. Why? Because tonight I am ordering the reboadcast of Turning Point, this month's TNA Pay Per View. I know that it aired on Sunday, but I couldn't watch it then. When I ordered my first wrestling PPV last year (WWE Armageddon) I didn't watch it. I had other stuff going on. Plus I owened a few on tape, so it's not like I hadn't seen a WWE PPV. I did tape it, and it was a good show, but like I said, I had seen it before. The main ereason I ordered it was because I could.

I have never seen a TNA PPV, so I am looking forward to it, and the fact that tomarrow is my day off means I can stay up an watch it. It should be a good show. AJ Styles defends the X Division title against Samoa Joe, AMW defends the Tag Title against the Dudley..sorry. Team 3D in a table match, Christian Cage VS Monty Brown, and Abyss VS Sabu in a Barbed Wire match. There are also some X Division Tag matchs, which should be good.

I hope it is worth it. Normaly I go to the website the day after a PPV to see the results, but since I was going to order it, I didn't this time. I'll let you know what I thought tomarrow.


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