Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I heard on the radio this morning that gas prices went up over the weekend, and could raise even higher, because of a refinery being shut down by flooding in a Kansas town.

I might believe that if I didn't know that the oil companies are producing more then enough oil and gas to keep the prices low, but are lying about reducing production.

An increase in price is understandable, but the current price is not. It is currently at $3.09, but will probably go up later this after noon, when my boss decides to raise it (possible post on that later) Oil companies say they are reducing their production, leading to higher prices. The reason? the ongoing hostilities in the middle east. That might be believable if it weren't for the fact that we only get about 15% of our oil from that region. Again, I can understand a small increase, but not as much as it has over the last few years.

Long story short, prices should not be as high as they are now. Looks like it is time for Congress to launch another investigation that will go no where and will quickly be forgotten.


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