Friday, August 31, 2007

The Creator's Hands

This is something I came up with during the meteor showers a couple of weeks ago.

The Creator's Hands

I lay there on the side of the road, staring up at the stars, and the multitude of the heavens stare back at me. And as I gaze into the stare sky, I can’t help but marvel at the mighty works of the Creator. From the stars in the night sky to the nocturnal creatures surrounding me, serenading me with their assorted songs, and everything in between.

And as I lay there, thinking about how small the stars seem to me, and how to them I am less then a speck of dust. I am even more amazed at the fact that in His eyes I am more valuable then any thing else. As magnificent and beautiful as my surroundings are, me and my brothers and sisters are worth more to him then anything else.

As I lay there, my body relaxing, slowly sinking into the grass, I can’t help but wonder if this is a taste of what it’s like to be held in the Creator’s hands.


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