Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Plagues Of Egypt

I was just watching a show on curses of ancient Egypt, and of course one of them was the biblical plagues. I have seen several shows on this subject, all trying to scientifically explain the causes of the plagues. Most agree, some disagree on this point or that. The one stumbling block they have all had however is the 10th plague; the death of the first born.

The reason I'm writing about this is because some have used these explanations to show that it wasn't divine intervention that caused the plagues; it is usually explained as being connected to the yearly flooding of the Nile.

For me, all it does it make them more real. All of a sudden they aren't just stories in the bible, they are events that could have happened and can happen again. Maybe God used these plagues because they could really happen.

One thing I think anyone who says that God didn't cause the plagues needs to explain is why they haven't happened since. If they are all natural occurrences, then how come we haven't heard of any thing like this in the 3000 years since the Exodus?

Maybe there was some divine intervention after all.


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