Monday, February 18, 2008

Toy Fair is going on and Alterd States has pics. Looks like there will be some cool looking G.I. Joe toys coming out, and a Build-A-Figure like thing where you can build the MASS Device from the cartoon. always cool. And I might finally be able to replace Serpentor's Chariot, which I had when it first came out, but lost most of it. That original one is now just a Green Goblinesq glider, so Serpentor will finally be able to fly around in all his regal glory I must have this toy, THIS I COMMAND!

Sorry. Had to have a Fanboy Moment there.

Marvel's upcoming toys look pretty good too. Lots of Iron man stuff (big shock there) But they look cool. They even have some Superhero Squad figures that look cool and (as far as I can tell from the pics) doesn't have the stupid grin! I also like the N.R.F. 425 Blaster simply because of the name. They could have hidden the fact that it is a Nerf gun, but instead they hid the fact in the toys name. Don't know about anyone else, but I thought that was kind of cool.

Of course there is new Legends figures, including World War 2 Captain America! Looks like Electra will also be in the line, but I have no idea who that black and yellow ninja guy is. And in case anyone is wondering (and I'm sure no one is) the Build-A-Figure this year is Fin Fang Foom.

They also have pics of Marvel Transformers, which apparently are the same concept of the Star Wars Transformers. Can't wait to get those,especially since the last ones, made by Toybiz, rather sucked. Also pictured were pics of figured from the upcoming Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon. They look pretty cool, although I'm not sure about the cartoon version of Doctor Octopus, and from the looks of the pics, Peter Parker takes hair tips from Jimmy Neutron.

The only real disappointing part (so far) is the lack of Transformers pics. They had plenty of pics of the Universe and Classics yoys, but that is about it. And while they look cool (Powerglide needs more red, but still looks cool), I was hopping for more Animated toys. Atleast there was a bunch of new Robot Heroes figures, which includes Beast Wars! And since there are (hopefully) more pics to come, there still might be some Animated pics to come.

If this is any indication of the things to come, it will be a good year for toy fans :)


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