Friday, April 03, 2009

Space Cowboys VS Canadian Connection--Red White and Bruised 2008

Space Cowboys
Soon after the Space Cowboys debuted in January 2005, they won a contendership match and went on to become the Tag Team Champions, defeating Los Luchadores at St Paddy's Day Brawl. They held the belts till June, when they lost them to 5 Alarm at Red White and Bruised. They struggled to regain the belts and eventually turned heel and left SPW to join Bring The Pain Wrestling. There they won the Tag Team Championships one more before the company closed, becoming the last champions in company history. They returned to SPW and lost the belts to the Knights Templar in a Unification Match at night Of Champions 2007. They eventually regained the belts at King Of The Cage 2008, defeating the Canadian Connection They went on to dominate the Tag Team division, defeating every active, and some inactive, teams at House Shows, on Powersurge, and on PPV. Now the last team stands between them and total domination; the Canadian Connection wants their belts back.

Canadian Connection
A team that has accomplished much, winning almost every belt in the Tri-City Wrestling Alliance, as well as some in All Action Wrestling. The Canadians struggled to win the belts, finally doing so by defeating the Hardcore Revolution on the January 13, 2008 episode of Powersurge. They held the belts till King Of The Cage, when they were defeated by the Space Cowboys. After several months of trying, they finaly have another shot at the belt, and are determined to get them back.


The opening match saw the Tag Team champions the Space Cowboys taking on the Canadian Connection with the belts on the line. Spike stated things off against Razor. They lcked up int he middle of the ring, but Razor overpowered Spike and whipped him into the ropes before sending him to the mat with a Powerslam.He went for the early pin, but Spike easily kicked out. He went for a Powerbomb, but Spike managed to reverse it into a Hurricarana and tag in Jet.

Jet started unloading on Razor, connecting with several punches before leveling him with a Short Arm Clothsline. He locked Razor in a Side Headlock, but Razor managed to roll it into a pin attempt. Jet had no choice but to release the Headlock to kick out. Razor tried to get to his corner, but Jet grabbed his leg and connected with an elbow drop to the knee. He dragged Razor to the corner and tagged Spike back in. with Jet holding Razor in place, Spick connected with a Moonsault off the top rope and went for the pin, but Razor managed to get his foot on the bottom rope to break up the pin.

Spike dragged Razor towards the center of the ring went for the pin, but Razor managed to kick out and got the hot tag to bring Cage into the match. Razor held Spike back for a bit, giving Cage time to climb to the top rope and connect with a Missle Dropkick. A Standing Moonsault followed that up and ran to the corner, knocking Jet off the appron with an elbow. He turned towards Spke and was greated by a Side Kick. Spike went for the pin, but Cage kicked out on two.

Spike tried to drag Cage to his corner, but Cage got to his feet and connected with a Clothsline before locking Spike in an Inverted Facelock.Spike struggled to get t the ropes, but Razor pulled them away. as the ref yelled at Razor, Jet ran into the ring and attacked Cage, forcing him to break the hold. Jet pummeled Cage as the ref started the count, Powerbombing Cage and leaving the ring before he could reach five. Spike went for the pin, but Razor kicked out on 2.

Spike punched Razor several times and went for a Standing Moonsault, but Razor rolled out of the way and made the tag to bring Cage in.He went for a cloths line but Spike ducked it. Cage bounced off the ropes and connected with a Springboard Elbow. He bounced off the ropes again and nailed Cage in the head witha Baseball slide. Cage went for the ropes again, but this time Jet kicked Cage in the back and tried chocking him out. The ref started yelling at him and started a five count. With the ref distracted, Razor started punching Spike and sent him to the mat with the Razor's Edge. He got out of the ring as Jet released his hold on Cage.

Both men slowly got to their feet, but Cage got up first and connected with an Enziguri before going to the top rope. He signled for the Shooting Star Press, Faye climbed onto the ring apron and flashed the ref. With ref distracted, Jet pushed Cage off the top rope. Before the ref could turn around, Faye grabbed him and pushed his face to her chest. Jet as the ref struggled to get loose, a fan jumped over the barricade and grabbed Faye's leg, pulling her off the apron. The fan took off her hood to that the fan was Amy Kennedy! Kennedy connected with punch after punch as Faye tried to defend herself and close her shirt at the same time. With the ref still distracted and Razor trying to encourage his partner to get to his feet, Jet connected with a low Blow to Razor. Security got the two women seperated and the ref turned around in time to see Spike throw his arm over Cage to get the win. The Cowboys celebrated on their way up the ramp as Kennedy checked on her friends.

Aftermath: None. Until I get more done, Red White and Bruised is the present, so at the moment there is no after math to report from this match. to see what happens next, keep checking SPW for updates.


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