Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I just read the Lords Of Pain report from the TNA House Show when they were in Mankato a month ago. (the report can be found here.) The guy who wrote this is either an idiot, from out of state, or ignorant of anything beyond wrestling.

Here is how the guy summarized the show

As for the crowd, very disappointed in the numbers. I thought that Minnesota was a professional wrestling hot bed for fans. Guess I was wrong. All in all a fairly decent show and all in around 2 hours. Special kudos for Hernandaz, ODB, Daniels, and Matt Morgan who stuck around to sign more than 3 or 4 autographs after the matches. Class acts those 4, and lets not forget J.B. with the obligatory, "maybe the next time we are in Minnesota, it should be for a PPV". Really J.B.? Mankato? St. Cloud? Rochester? Hey, you ever hear a a couple little towns by the name of Minneapolis and St. Paul?

First, the PPV J.B. mentioned? We over heard him say that they were trying for January, and that was more info then the possible return and PPV some time in the future that he said when they were in Rochester in the spring. Might be obligatory, but sounds like things are looking good for a PPV in the state! We are already planning on getting ringside tickets for when they do (or at least the next show!)

as for the superstars he mentions, Hernandez wasn't out much longer then any of the others, nor was ODB (she came out wearing a Twins Jersey. probably wanted to get back to her hotel or a bar to watch the game. would have been cool if she had gone to Fridays, like we did, but oh well) Daniels wasn't out very long, but he did play along one Jairus asked him to sign a Curry Man card and he said "that's not me, but I'll sign it anyways." Matt Morgan on the other hand was one of the first ones out and the last one to leave. HE spent a lot of time talking with fans, signing autographs and taking pictures. AJ Styles was also pretty cool when he was out, although that might have been because Dan brought his replica belt, which is a really high end replica, for AJ to sign. He hadn't seen one that good and I think he enjoyed checking it out before he signed it.

As for the turn out, what do you expect. First of all I don't think it was that heavily advertised. I listen to KXLP, a station out of Mankato, a fair amount both in the car and at work and I didn't hear much from them, even though they were giving away tickets and J.B. said he used to work there (don't remember that, but it might have been behind the scenes) Second they were going up against the Viking and the Twins. The Twins were on fire at the en of the season, with us taking a table at Fridays making sure we could see a TV from where we were so we could see the score. and we aren't that big of baseball fans! And MInnesota might be a hotbed for wrestling, and we might be the State Of Hockey, but football is THE sport in the land of 10,000 lakes. from the sounds of it the St Cloud show the night before was much better with more people (not many, but more and the crowd was more into it) but they didn't have to go up against the Vikings and the Twins.


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