Monday, October 26, 2009

Well, the Vikings finally lost.

Correction, they had the game stolen from them by refs that were paid off or something

How else do you explain calls against us for stuff like face masking and false Start, but not against them. Or that someone (think it was Sapp) intentionally hit the ball carrier when he was out of bounds. Yes he was heading there, but the replay clearly showed that Sapp was in the air heading for him well BEFORE he was out.

or the tripping call that overturned a touchdown pass, even though the replay showed that they guy who tripped the Steelers lineman (forget who, really should have typed this right away yesterday) was aiming higher then his legs. Granted in that case, it was close even with the replay, and that one might have been more of a technicality. At least the ref that threw out the flag got knocked down a couple plays later [evil smile]

Then there was the delay of game call against us. The guys in the booth on TV couldn't even see that one, nor did the ref say who it was against, like they are supposed to! They even had to look it up, and if I remember right they said that the rule involved "someone other then a line man, who is with in 1 yard of the line of scrimmage, making a sudden move with the clear intention of trying to draw the opposing team over the line" Even after that, they couldn't see it, and neither could anyone else other then this ref!

Like I said, it was stolen by crooked or incompetent refs. As far as I'm concerned, the vikings are still 6-0, and this week was a bye.

In other news, say your prayers Green Bay. after this week, all that frustration and anger over yesterdays game is going to be taken out on you. Plus Allen hasn't done much the last few weeks.

Clearly he is hungry for some cheese.


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