Saturday, January 02, 2010

I'm a bit bummed right now. Tonight, David Tennet's last episode as The Doctor aired on BBC America (it aired yesterday on BBC) and I was going to watch it once it finished since I had to work and missed the first half of the episode. Thank the matrix for DVRs.

While at work, we had Boneless Buffalo Wings on sale this week, so I bought some. I figured that I would eat those, have a beer (since Buffalo wings and beer are a natural combination) and watch the Doctor regenerate.

As I was about to open the bottle, I found out how cold it was outside.

Due to lack of space in the fridge with Christmas stuff in it, I kept my beer out in the garage. There was also some sugar free apple juice and some eggnog out there. They were both frozen, but that didn't really surprise me. What did surprise me was when I noticed how cloudy the beer looked. At first I thought it was condensation, but when I looked closer, I realize that it was frozen!

I know that beverages with high amounts of alcohol will freeze slower, and I know Finnegan's isn't too high, but I figured that it could take colder temps then that. Guess not.

Now I have to wait for it to thaw before I can drink it :(


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