Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Holy Crap On A Stick it's windy outside!

"How windy is it?"

It's so windy outside that

...My 8 month old kitten got blown into the next county.
...I put my truck in neutral and was blown into town.
...Boomerangs hover.
...I was blown back in time and am writing this from two weeks ago.
...I just broke the Warp 10...While walking with the wind.
...Driving into the wind at 60 mph is called standing still.
...Chuck Norris would have a hard time moving.
...The speed of light has slowed down in our area.
...thanks to a hand full of windmill generators, we are now the richest city in the world.
...Brett Farve threw a pass in practice that broke the sound barrier.
...Birds are flying north
...I thought my Ex-Wife was talking. (overheard at Walmart)


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