Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Ouija Board

Here is today's spooky post. Like before the text comes from Castle Of Spirits. Please note that I don't realy agree with some of the author's opinions, but they are still in here since they are part of the article. Like yesterday, if you have any stories to tell, post them in the comments.

Tomarrow's post will be about a mummy's curse.

Ouija Boards

what you've always wanted to know

Being the receiver of many many ghostly and paranormal stories the most common stories I receive are of peoples experiences with Ouija boards. I find it silly that people always say "I had to burn the Ouija board because it was evil".

It's merely a game - a toy ...................well that's what it's marketed as!!

What is an Ouija Board Anyhow?

An Ouija board is used to have what is commonly known as a seance. It is used as a means to contact the spirits of the dead.

The name Ouija is pronounced as WEE-JA and commonly mispronounced as "OUIJI", there is in fact no such thing as a Ouiji Board (maybe we should market one?). The name Ouija is currently owned and Trademarked by Parker Brothers in the USE.

The meaning of OUIJA is a combination of the French and German words for "yes". Funnily enough the boards now sold by Parker Bros. are produced in Salem, USA.

Ouija boards usually consist of the full alphabet and the words YES, NO and GOODBYE. Other boards contain more detail, I find these boards particularly useless as the spirits seem to get confused easily and unable to communicate through the boards covered in letters and colours.

As mentioned before the name Ouija and Ouija Board is owned by Parker Brothers, hence the appearance of many other boards such as "The Psychic Circle" and others.

The idea of the Ouija board first came about in 1848 when two sisters in the USA believed they could talk to a spirit and started up a simple form of communicating with it by tapping on a table or the wall, each tap or knock represented a letter of the alphabet.

The world soon became aware of the spirit world and everyone wanted a go at contacting a spirit it seems.

Various odd ways of speaking with spirits soon developed until finally a useful and different board design was thought up by 3 Americans, this soon became the Ouija Board. It's was originally thought that one of those 3 men, Charles Kennard, thought up the name Ouija, supposedly after the Egyptian word for Good Luck. The word Ouija is not Egyptian for good luck. A Company who produced the board commercially was founded and the first boards rolled off the production line.

A new owner soon took over - he was the famous William Fuld, pretty soon he was producing Ouija Boards in record numbers. The Fuld family owned the business until 1966 when Parker Brothers took over.

In 1973 a horror movie was released which was to have a profound impact on the Ouija board

The films name name was "The Exorcist"

The Ouija board then suffered a great decline - people believed the Exorcist, they thought that if they played with a board or went near it they would suffer the same fate as Reagan and be possessed by the evil Pazuzu or some other rogue demon.

Matters weren't helped when it went round that the Exorcist was supposedly based on a true story.

Since then it has suffered much bad publicity and all sorts of religious damings. People are scared of the board and quite often feel compelled to go and burn it in the backyard. There should be no need to do this as it's only a cheap piece of wood with some writing on it - there is nothing evil about an Ouija board.

Important Things about Ouija Boards:


1. It is not evil - it's merely a board with some black letters and a planchette
2. If you go looking for evil or demons you might possibly get something unwanted such as that - I've heard of stories of people trying to invoke demons and the like - they suddenly find members of their family having tragic accidents and suddenly developing terminal diseases with no ill effect to themselves - don't do it - it's not worth trying - otherwise be prepared to deal with what you bring on!
3. Spirits that talk through the board are just like you and me - they deserve respect and should be treated well
4. Nothing will come from a board if you leave it lying around - you do not need to burn it or throw it away if you have a bad experience - it cannot work without people making it work
5. ALWAYS include prayers amongst the circle of people involved in the seance to both OPEN and close the circle. It is a good idea to make sure you protect yourself before the seance is begun with a few prayers..
6. Never let anyone be involved in a seance who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol
7. Tiredness will stop the board from working properly - make sure all members of the seance are fully awake and not overly tired.
8. Non believers and overly skeptical people will also ruin a seance, it's a good idea to approach a board with an open mind and a willingness to accept whatever comes forth.
9. Don't all start arguing about who's moving the planchette - this is a common thing - it upsets the mood and some people get very angry and ruin the entire thing. If you feel that someone is pushing the planchette ask them to remove their hands for a short time.
10. DON'T ASK THE SPIRITS TO PROVE THEY ARE THERE - Just think about it for a while - if you ask them to prove that they are there OF COURSE something is going to happen - whether it be rattling cupboards or windows - temperature dropping - things being thrown across the room - movement of other objects - you asked them to prove they are there and they are just showing you that they are.....they can't simply send you a letter in the mail saying "hey - by the way - I was there the other night and this is just to prove it".
ALSO it is strongly believed that if you do ask a spirit to prove that it is there that you are opening up a doorway to the other side, one that is very hard to close, you are inviting unwanted guests into this world that you may not be able to send home. Once they are here they are almost impossible to get rid of and you might find you have something attched to you and following you around causing trouble for life.

11. YOU ARE NOT BRINING SPIRITS INTO THIS WORLD BY MERELY TALKING TO THEM THROUGH A BOARD - As stated above, you may bring them back into this world by inviting them in (this is not my personal belief) so be careful - don't invite anything in. But just by using a board and talking to spirits you aren't going to pull them into this world and trap them here or anything. The Ouija board is merely a tool to talk to spirits who are all ready here and this does not create some kind of votex to trap and pull spirits back into our own world.

How Does it Work?

There are many many theories as to why and how a board works. Psychologists explain it as a simple muscle reflex that makes your hand automatically move and your subconscious mind control the words that are spelled out. Who knows maybe this is so. I know that I've seen unexplainable things which cannot simply be muscles and subconscious minds controlling the planchette. On many occasions I have seen a planchette move around the board on it's own, with no fingers touching it. I have seen dead relatives that people didn't even know they had step forward time and time again, the relative operating the board would look into their family history to find that this person really did exist. So what is it that makes it go, the truth is nobody really knows the answer - there's plenty of theories around but no one can prove them!

Getting Started - How Do I Work A Ouija Board?

* 2 or more people are recommended for using the Ouija board - more than three can be a bit two crowded - the general feeling is that three is just about the right amount for a seance.
* Form a circle around the board with all participating members
* Link hands left on top of right
* Say any prayers that you wish - we recommend the "Point of Light" and Psalm 23
* Place 2 fingers of each person upon the planchette
* Have someone standing by with a pen and paper to write everything down
* Ask questions such as "Would anyone like to come forth and talk"?
* Make sure only one person asks questions at a time which avoids confusion
* Never EVER ask for anything you do not wish to deal with - do not do the typical stupid teenage thing of asking for a "sign" that the spirit is really there
* If the board does not work try swapping participants around and taking some participants hands off the planchette
* The planchette should start off by spinning circles - some say that this is the spirit trying to gain energy to communicate - some say it is the spirit finding it's way around the board.
* If you do not understand what the spirit is trying to communicate to you ask it to either repeat it or ask questions that will clearly define what you would like to know.
* If a spirit appears to be having trouble communicating ask what you can do to improve the communication
* If a spirit points to "good bye" let it go
* If you want to finish the seance place the planchette on "Good Bye" and say that you are now leaving. Everyone should then remove their hands from the board and the table. The board will be closed.

Spirits are just like you and me - a lot of the time they get impatient and cannot spell - they sometimes use letters like U for You and R for are, 2 for to and so on. Quite often they simply use the initial of the person they are talking about (or to) instead of spelling out their name. Be aware that it requires a lot of energy on both sides to have a seance going. If the spirit gets tired they find it difficult to communicate with us and things will not run as well or as smoothly as you would wish. Since so much energy is used a possession or something similar would almost be unthinkable and unrealistic (and impossible) - it just doesn't happen!

Should a spirit show up that is overly rude, annoying or appears to have a violent personality communication should be broken immediately - do not attempt to talk to this spirit in any way shape or form - if you keep the board open it will only return and annoy you - it's best that you stop the seance, put the board away, and give it a rest for a while, hopefully the next seance will not bring back this pesky spirit.

Sometimes spirits will show up as liars and deceivers - just like they were in human form - there aren't so many out there like this - but they are out there - don't believe everything you are told - or if you are told something, try to prove it to yourself by trying to find evidence to prove it.

Make Your Own Ouija Board

The home made board is an easy one and usually done at parties. I've seen this done many many times and I've done it myself and it works. Simple and easy to do it's a great way to get your own board happening.

You need 1 large table (a dining table is a good idea) with a polished surface. You need some paper and a glass. Simply draw out the alphabet along with the words "yes" "no" and "goodbye" on the paper and either cut or rip into squares around each letter and the words. Place letters around in a large circle with the words in the middle (this is why you need a large table). Use the glass as the planchette and go for it.

I guess the overall message is to be aware of what is going on, be cautious, be open minded and most of all don't be frightened of the mystical Ouija board.

Rowena Gilbert
Castle of Spirits


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