Wednesday, November 02, 2005

WWE does the unexpected

Last night WWE held their Taboo Tuesday Pay-Per-View. For those who don't know about Taboo Tuesday, it is a chance for the fans to choose the match types, stipulations, and in some cases even the who will face who. They usally try to influance the votes, but they still give the fans some options.

So what did they do that was unexpected? For the last month or so there has been a fued going on between Raw and Smackdownwhich will most likely result is a Smackdown VS Raw mach at Survivor Series (which just happens to be around the time Smackdown VS Raw 2006 for PS2 comes out. Coincidence?). Both shows have invaded the other, and and finaly a match was made. Edge and Chris Masters VS 2 people from Smackdown. The choices were Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, Hardcore Holly, Christian, and JBL (my choice) In the end the fans chose Mysterio and Hardy. Before the match started, Edge (who has a torn pectoral muscle) pulled out of the match and was replaced by Gene Snitsky. Most people expected the Raw team to win. After all it was a Raw PPV. But suprisingly the win went to the Smackdown team!

It gets better though. Another match was suppose to be Stone Cold Steve Austin VS Coach in a Street fight, Verbal Debate, or Arm Wrestling. Over the weekend there was a disagreement between Austin and WWE Managment, and before that could be resolved he hurt his back moving some stuff, so Austin was out of the match. To replace him (and help build the rivalry between the shows) they called in Smackdown Champion Batista. The match was a Stree Fight, but it quicly became a Handicap match as Coach's allies Goldust and Vader joined the fight. In the end it was Bastista who scored the pin fall. It should be interesting how they deal with all this on Smackdown this week since it was taped before Taboo Tuesday. All I know is I can't wait to see what happened.

On a side note, I thought that it was cool of Christian to be there. He had quit early on Monday, but he agreed to be there last night and to compete if he got voted in. MOst people wouldn't do that.

In other wrestling news, be sure to watch Spike tomarrow night at 9 (8 central) for the TNA Impact special. 2 hours which will see a rematch between Rhino and Jeff Jarrett for the NWA Heavyweight Title and an Ultimate X match to determine the number 1 contender for the X Division Title. Should be a great show.


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