Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I Want More Enders!

So I just finished Zone Of The Enders for PS2. I mean I literaly just finished it. The credits just finished and I am looking at the ending screen now. And I have to admit that I am a little dissappointed. Not because of the the game it self. It's a great game and I would recomend it to anyone looking for a good game. I am dissappointed because it ended to quickly. It took me just over 4 hours to beat on Easy. From what I understand the number of survivors affects the ending, but still, at 4 hours it is too short. The only game that I have beatedn that was shorter then this is Deadlock for the PC. And that was the Demo version. The full version too longer. (I have beaten some that were shorter, but they were for the NES or were adventure games, which usualy arn't that long.)

The way it ended didn't help any either. You finaly beat your main enamy, Viola, only to be attacked by an ultra powerfull enamy suit. You get your butt kicked, yoour allies cover your retreat, and you find out that your suit's next mission is a suicide mission. That's it. That is where it ends.

Fortunatly there is another game for PS2, one for the Game Boy Advance, and some anime out there, but I don't own them. Yet.

And in case HIdeo Kojima stumbles across this, please make more Z.O.E. games (or more games in general. That would be nice too.)


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