Sunday, January 08, 2006

New Wal-Mart Poll Finds More Favorable Attitudes

The above head line caught my eye when I saw it on MSN, so I had to click on the link. , just to see what kind of messed up poll this was. The first red flag was this;

Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, was among the financial backers of Working Families for Wal-Mart

Working Families For Wal-Mart is the group that did the poll. That and the fact that Wal-Mart is one of their backers tells me the this poll was just a tiny bit biased. Accualy, scratch that. This tells me that this poll is more biased then the mass media.

Lets move on to the next part that caught my attention.

The retailer has stepped up efforts to counter criticism from unions and other groups who say the retailer pays poverty- level wages, discriminates against women and drives competitors out of business.

I don't know about discrimination, and while I have heard about the low wages, I can not confirm it because I don't work at Wal-Mart, something I thank God for. I can confirm that last part. Wal-Mart moved into town about 12 years ago. The towns economy is just now beginign to recover. If you are lucky enough to live in a town with a Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, ect, good for you. If all you have is a Wal-Mart, you know what I mean.

I shop at Wal-Mart. I have no problem admitting to that simply because there is no other option. When they started selling groceries, I refused to get stuff there that I could get at one of the grocery stores in town. With a few exceptions, I still follow that rule. If I had an option, I would probobly only shop there if i had to. Wal-Mart is not good. Any one who says otherwise is either ignorant to the truth or are choosing to ignore it.


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