Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Resolutions.

I got so caught up in the count down with Dick Clark (I wouldn't be New Years with out Dick Clark) that I for got to post my resolutions. I normaly don't make any, but I decided to this year.

1.)Hit the trails more. I rode my roady plenty last year, but since my riding buddies abandoned mountain biking last year, I had no one to ride with. Now that I have a cell phone again, I will be hitting the trails as soon as I can.

2.)Finish a writing project. I have a lot of stories started, but very little finished, none of which are very big. Just some short stories. Hopefuly I will have a big project done. maybe even the one I mentioned in the last post.

3.)Not end 06 alone. I'm not talking about being with friends, although that would be good to. No, I am talking about relationship wise. Hopefully this will be the year I meet Misses Right.

I think I can pull most of these off. Riding, no problem. Writing, no problem assuming I don't spend too much time being lazy (which is why I have so much started, but nothing finished.) The only one that might be hard is the dating one, since that isn't entirely in my controll. Hopefuly God will give me an assist on that one, because the way things are looking right now, I'm gonna need it.


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