Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Did Nostradamus predict 9/11?

I am watching a show on Nostradamus on the History Channel right now and they just finished talking about the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Ironicly enough I just finished reading something about at (available here.) I am glad that tha Quatrain mentioned in that article was not used on the show. They brought it up later, when talking about the longevity of his writings, but they mention that it was a hoaxs. After talking about 9/11, they had a skeptic ask them to figure out the prophecy before the next 9/11. They even talked to Michael Shermer, who I usualy disagree with, but I do from time to time. Penn and Teller even said that anyone who knew, based on Nostradamus' writings, about 9/11 on 9/10, that they should be brought to trial, that they are just as evil as the people who were responsible for the attacks.

I think that, in the end, any prophetic writings, whether it is Nostradamus or the Bible, are open to interpetation. Any of his writings or the more cryptic prophecies from the Bible can be atributed to an event after they have happened. In the end, as long as hes writings survive, people will be saying he predicted this, that, and the other thing. And as long as people say he predicted something, there will be skeptics who do not believe.

One thing I want to know is did he predict his own death? He told someone that they would not see him alive the next morning, but lots of people have done that prior to his death.

Translations of his Quatrains, as well as other ancient and sacred texts, can be found here.


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