Friday, February 17, 2006

So far this has been a good morning. I could have used a few more hours of sleep and could have gone with out the wind, but other wise it hasn't been too bad.

I woke up early, thinking I had to do deliveries, but I had my days mixed up; I deliver tomarrow. So after getting the van started I went home. Since I had to be at work an hour and a half later, I didn't go back to bed. Instead I ate a better breakfast (woke up late, so I only had a couple peices of toast. When I got home I nuked a couple of eggs with some chees on it and then ate some chips and salsa. not exactly breakfasty, but I don't have much breakfast food in the apartment right now. good thing today is pay day.) And since I got home, I've been playing Rachet and Clank. Like I said, it's been a good morning :)


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