Tuesday, February 14, 2006


In about 1 1/2 hour (theoreticly) the cable guy will be here to hook up my DSL. Which means that I will spend the night downloading massive amounts of porn. Just kidding. I will probobly be visiting some sites that take along time to load, downloading a file I downloaded yesterday, (I will explain why later) and playing Guild Wars. I got it a while ago and tried it. On a dial up, it was almost unplayable, but I could tell that it had potential. I can't wait.

Why do I get the feeling that I would have been more atractive to the opposite sex if I had been downloading porn. Oh well.

When I am not doing any of that stuff, I will be downloading episodes of Doctor Who. according to my calculations, based on a projected average speed of 1 mb every 10 seconds, it will only take a couple of hours to download each episode in stead of a week or 2. (I can feel my sex appeal plummeting with every letter I type. Although I think it is going up with female nerds :)) Now if you will excuse me I am going to play D&D. Acuualy I prefer the more obscure games, like Shadowrun. With minitures of course. After all, who in their right mind would play with out useing minitures ;)


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