Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The World's Fastest Indean

ok, I know I said I would post a review of this movie a while ago, and I do kind of feel bad about it, but no to bad. That is the nice thing about having a blog no one reads :)

Any ways onto the review. The World's Fastest Indean is about Burt Monroe and his quest to run his heavily modified 1925(?) Indean Scout at the Bonneville Salt Flats. It's not about him setting the record, but about his journy to get there and the people he met on the way. It is definitly a feel good movie, but not in a sappy way. People were cheering at several points in the movie, and I think I heard everyone gasp when he lost it going 200 Mph. I have never seen a movie that got that type of reaction. I even felt myself tearing up towards the end.

The coolest part if the fact that Burt set the first record at the age of 72! (I think)not only that, but he went back 9 times, beat his own record a few times, and set the record that still stands today a few years later. The moral of the story, never underestimate the determination of an old man who wants to fulfill his dreams.


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