Tuesday, October 17, 2006

IMBA Report Cards

It's that time of the year again as IMBA prepares their 2006 report cards for each state. The cool thing is the fact that Minnesota has had 52 people submit reports as of this posting (including yours truly.) The next closest state is Indiana and Virginia with 40 and 32 respectivly. Not only that, but Minnesota has the widest range of responses, which no doubt represents the vastly different areas of the state (there isn't much in souther Minnesota, but in the northern part of the state biking is great. in the center of the state, if isn't too bad, unless you live in or near the Twin Cities, where there are lots of trails.)

Here is a link to the report card site so that you can help rate your state. The also have an article on how to use your states grade to help inprove Mountain Biking in your area. (foundhere.)


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