Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Last Tax Free Christmas?

Followed a link on Slashdot that led me to an article on Forbes (here is the article. (warning. there is an annoying video at the bottom of the page. you can turn down the volume, but each new video returns the volume to max.)

Seems that the Democrates want to start making sites like Amazon collect sales taxes in every state, instead of just certain states like they do now. I think the first comment to the Slashdot article says it best, when it quotes the Constitution.

Article I, Section 9: No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census of Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State

I could be wrong here, but my intepetation is that Congress has no power when it comes to state sales taxes. That is up to the state governments, not the federal. So if they start making sites with out a warehouse (like Amazon) they would be doing something that is unconstitutional. (from the sound of things, only sites with warehouses, like Walmart have to charge sales tax.)

If this is the worse that happens with the Dems in charge, that's fine. But if they are willing ignore the Constitution like this, I have a feeling that things are only going to get worse.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dems are not in favoring of increasing the sales tax with the exception of tabacco and alcohol. It was George W. Bush who wants to eliminate federal taxes and just increase the sales tax which hurt the lower to middle classes. The republican congress introduced a bill that would tax goods sold over the internet. Go to for more information about this issue.

1:41 AM  

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