Monday, December 04, 2006

ECW December To Dismember

Last night, ECW held their first "solo" PPV since January 7, 2001. I use the term solo losely, because in order to put the show together, they had to move Elijah Burke, Sylvester Terkay, Great Khali, Daivari, and Bobby Lashley from Smackdown to ECW, and have the Hardy Boyz and MNM reunite and face each other. So inorder to have their first solo show, they had to bring people who are currently on the rostor for Raw and Smackdown in, as well as move a bunch of people to ECW.

Some of the moves they have made are good. I have no problem with some of the moves they have made, but I will talk about those in a week or 2 when I give my thoughts on ECW's first 6 months. As far as the guys I mentioned, I have no problem with Daivari or Burke beight there, since we haven't seen them in action too much. From what I under stand, Daivari should fit in just fine, assuming he drops the pissed-off arab gimmick. I haven't heard too much about Burke, but I know he has plenty of potential and could be a great wrestler, so ECW might be the best place for him.

The rest of the guys I mentioned that were moved I don't like though. They just don'e have the right feel, but they are big guys, and Vince McMahon has to have big guys on his rosters.

the real crime is the fact that they felt that they had to move Boby Lashley from Smackdown and give him the ECW title! Why not give it to RVD! or if they didn't want to give it to an ECW Original, then why not C.M. Punk, who has gotten his big break in ECW?

Why did they feel the need to move Lashley to ECW and give him the title? He was ready to move into the main even on Smackdown, and with Rey out, the main event talent on Smackdown if already nearly nonexsistant. They have Batista, King Booker, and Chris Benoit. Ken Kennedy is getting there, but he still needs a bit more time before he gets there (his fued with Taker should get him there) With JBL looking to return to the ring some time early next year, they need more faces.

Also, why did they feel they had to take a match from WWE and put it on an ECW card? ECW is known for some of the matchs they have come up with, but when the most inovation they can come up with is putting weapons in the elimination chanber, that is sad. They should have left the Chamber for New Years Revolution and come up with something original, or have reguler match and have more developed matchs take place on the undercard.

At the end of the day it was still an ECW show, and I plan on either buying the DVD or at the very least barrow it from some friends who get most of the WWE PPVs.

In a related note, WWE.Com has announced that Paul Heyman was sent home before the ECW house show tonight. hopefully Heyman will be moved backstage and will take control, like he should have from the start.


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