Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm watching an episode of My Generation about JFK's assasination, and they mentioned that there were some anti-Kennedy people there (described as "right-wing conservative extremists") They said that the main fear was that there might be some embarassing or inappropriate signs in the crowd, but figured there would be no harm done to the president.

Obviously we know what happened that day.

The thing I found funny was the fact that they mentioned the anti-Kennedy crowd, but that was about it. they were mentioned in passing, partially because the cops were supposed to keep them away from the big crowd so that they couldn't embarasse the president.

Man how times have changed. Now the Anti-Bush crowd have police escorts, and there are no worries about the president being embarassed.

We can only hope that the same fate doesn't await President Bush, and obviously if it does, it won't be during a parade.

The sad thing is I get the feeling that a lot of liberals would celebrate if {resident Bush ere killed. Maybe not right away, Maybe not even for a few days, but I am sure there would be some.


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