Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Yet Another Of Life's Great Questions

Unlike the last edition of Life's Great Questions, I did my home work this time, but it proved to be a pointless exercise, answering none of my questions.

Today while I was at work, I was making garden and chef salads, and I couldn't help wondering, how did Chef Salads get their name?

After all, The orgin of the name Garden salad is obvious; it is made up of stuff from a garden. Taco salad is also easy; it is a taco in salad form. Some, such as Caesar salad, are a little less obvious with out any research, but it is named after the guy who created it, as is Cobb Salad. But what about Chef Salad? There is nothing in Wikipedia that explains the name.

The only thing I can think of is that it was named after someone. Maybe the first person to make a Chef Salad was named Chef, kind of like the South Park character.


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