Monday, April 02, 2007

Congress wants to pull the troops out

I didn't want to talk about this until it cleared both the house and the senet, but as we all know, both of them have passed bill that call for a deadline to get the troops out of Iraq. They have a few details to hammer out, and president bush as said he would veto it, but none the less, they are trying to set a deadline to end the war in Iraq.

Gee, thanks to everyone who elected these idiots.

Setting a deadline is the worse thing they could do. First, the insurgants could just wait until we leave before they go in and start amping up their attacks. If we are pulling out then we may as well just give the country to them and leave now, because if we leave before their government is able to defend themselves that's what is going to happen. It will be Afganastan all over again.

Second, the insurgants could go on a shooting spree as we aproach the deadline, trying to kill as many "infidel dogs" as they can.

Any one who says that this is for the safty of the troops or the US are idiots.

Third, and possibly worse of all, is that it will make us look weak. The most powerful country int he world, with the most powerful military in the world, is running away from a bunch fanatics. this will tell terrorists around the world that they can beat us if they just wait and survive long enough.

Like I said, Pulling the troops out before the job is done is a bad thing.


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