Friday, May 04, 2007

What is this? Crap on Iceman day?

So I had some stuff to do today before work, and I planned on getting up around 8. Woke up at about 7:45 to go to the bathroom, and I figured I would lay back down until the alarm went off. next thing I know it is going off and it is about 9:30. so I get up, get changed, jump into the truck, get about 2 blocks from my apartment when I run out of gas. I just put $10 in on either Sunday or Monday, and all I have done was drive to work and church, so i should have just gotten to E today, which means I don't need gas until Sunday at the latest, so someone siphoned my gas or the truck turned into a gas guzzler over night.

So I walk home to get my bike. Nearly twist my ankle walking into my bedroom to get my knee brace. Get on my bike and realize the tires are half flat. No big deal. I'll put air in at work. Get on the road and realize that there is a head wind. not a slight head wind, a strong one. Even if my knees weren't bad, it would be a problem. While riding to work my jeans kept getting caught in the chain or rubbing against the tire. This has never happened with these jeans before, and if it was just when the wind was blowing from the side, no big deal, but this is both legs, without turning or anything

I stopped at S.A., because it was closer then work. Putting air in the tires helped a lot. Finally get to work and find out I have to work at 1, not 2 like I thought. I also got my time off request in on time. first really good thing to happen to me all day.

I ride home and my knees are killing me. Jeans get caught a few more times and I seem to be dealing with the wind the whole way, despite the fact that I'm not riding into it. Finally get home and nearly twist my ankle again carrying mu bike up to my apartment. After resting for a bit I call Mom, thinking she can bring a gas can in, but she is either not home or outside. And now,as I type this, my computer is running like crap.

the worse part is I've only been up for about an hour. I can't help but wonder what's going to happen next.


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