Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Well that was fast. I woke up this morning and fired up my browser, going to MSN and the first thing I see is this.

I find it funny that places like Australia are commenting on our gun laws. After all, taking away peoples guns has helped reduce crime so much there. Oh wait, it didn't. Places like Texas on the other hand, which has had concealed carry laws for years, have extremely low crime rates, because the crooks don't know who is packing and who isn't.

In addition to that, if he wanted a gun, he could have easily gotten it off the streets or from a privet owner, either buying it from them or stealing it. He, like any other crook, can easily get a gun if he wanted it.

Personally, I feel the problem isn't not enough gun control, it is too much. Had someone been packing, the guy could have been stopped. Yes he may have killed a few people, but if a student or teacher had been carrying a gun, the death toll would have been much lower.

Update:Turns out he did get the guns legally, but that doesn't mean we need tighter gun control laws. there was nothing on his criminal record that would have prevented him from getting a gun, he waited the required amount of time, and he bought it from a gun shop.

Also, I think it is funny that on the MSN message boards for this story, the first post (made by a staff member) brings up Gun Control. On the first page there is one person who said we need tighter laws, the rest said the truth. Tighter Gun Control Laws would not have prevented this, but looser ones may have.


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