Monday, February 18, 2008


Apparently I'm not supposed to spend a day relaxing. it seems that ever day over the last few weeks I've been doing something. First I had to empty out the cabinets so they could put new ones in. As a result I've spent the last few weeks sleeping on the futon in my living room because most of that crap in on my bed. I could have moved it all off, but my schedule has forced me to keep it in the boxes and dig out what I need as I need it. I can't put it all back yet because they are supposed to be putting my stove in today, so I figured I would wait until it was in.

Guess not.

The next thing blocking me from doing that is the fact that they were supposed to put in the new closet doors, so I had to clear out room for them to get them in and installed. Much like the cabinets, they showed up late and took longer then predicted. So I can put stuff back in the cabinets now, right?

Think again.

Finally had a couple of days where no work was being done on my apartment, but instead I spent them making Beef and Chicken Jerky or going to a movie and hanging out with Rae. Not that I am complaining about either of those. I got to conduct some experiments with different flavors of Jerky and spend time with Rae. How could I complain.

So I finally had a couple of days where, except for the No Reservations marathon, I had nothing planned. I figured that, since my stove is (was?) supposed to be here today I would make room for that and if they showed up to do my windows, I would ask them to come back on Wednesday, when I am at work. that way I won't be in there way and they won't be in mine. No problem, right?


Turns out the only time they can do it is "tomorrow afternoon," which for them means it will be late tomorrow after noon or Wednesday. But since they want to do it tomorrow, I have to get stuff moved around to make room for them tonight and tomorrow. Which of course means that instead of moving stuff into my cabinets tonight and tomorrow, I will be making room for them to do work in my apartment. I will have to clean out one box, since it is the one my Christmas Tree came in and I will need to take that down to make room for them, but a lot of the crap in the way will have to go on my bed.

I might get to sleep in my bed by the end of the month.


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