Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Resident Evil 5--Racist?

originally posted on the Game Journal

Apparently some idiot...sorry, respected journalist (I love the fact that the site couldn't finish the title properly) is saying that RE5 is racist because in the trailer (posted below) has Chris Redfield killing a bunch of African-American zombies (or Le Plaga victims, but I will talk about that in the next post)  He also made it a point to mention that RE4 was racist because the game had Leon killing a bunch of Hispanic zombies.

I won't even get into the whole "It's a game" thing, but I would like to point out a couple of things. 

1.) It is set in Africa.  what type of zeds would you expect to find there, Chinese?

2.) RE4 was set in a "European" village that was probably in Spain.  See previous point for the rest.

3.) Would it still be racist if the main character was black?

4.) It's a game! (sorry, couldn't resist putting that in there)

What I find most humorous about this is the fact that it is being brought up simply because the zeds are black.  If they were Russian or Japanese, there would be no outrage by anyone.  But because they are black, all of a sudden it is an issue.  Which, when you think about it, makes him a racist himself.

warning, soap box time

That is the thing that makes me so mad about people throwing around the race card like that.  We see it a lot around here with the Native American community as well.  People get so mad any time there is a perceived or real threat of racism that they get paranoid and fail to realize that, by assuming that everyone who might not agree with you on something is obviously a racist, they are becoming racists themselves.  I don't know how many times I have been accused of being racists by natives.  My crime; being white.  As the evil white-man I am the cause of all their troubles and obviously am racist in regards to natives, but if they really knew me they would know the only people I have problems with is true stupid people, especially idiots with closed minds who are incapable of thinking for themselves.  The same is true for anyone, of any race, creed, or orientation.  I am an equal opportunity offender, but only if you deserve it.  And if you think I am a racists for that, take a look inside.  You might be surprised who the true racist is.


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