Sunday, April 05, 2009

Can someone explain to me how a bunch of brain dead morons managed to not only vote on articles on Helium, but also run the site?

I'm working on getting the sidebar (at least the story section) up to date and decided to ad a section for articles I've posted. And of course one of them is the Reaction To Captain America's Death one. Just out of curiosity, since last time I was there i was ranked number 2, I decided to see if the previous number one was still there or if the guy had been dethroned, and sure enough he had been (down to number 3) and this one was number 1.

I have no problem with not being number 1, but to be behind a glorified OpEd piece! that's just stupid. What kind of idiots voted for that over mine? and for that matter how did it get in there in the first place and on in a section FOR OpEd pieces? After all, one I submitted, as an OpEd piece honoring Ric Flair, was rejected (forget why) but this thing is in the wrong section and works it's way to Number 1? Sounds like a bunch of Morons are running the show to me.

Associated Content and Triond are better sites anyways.


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