Wednesday, April 15, 2009

WWE Draft 2009 Thoughts

On Monday, WWE held it's annual draft and several big names changed shows. I thought I would give my thoughts on the changes made, listed by the shows the wrestlers moved to.


Triple H
There is a shocker. After moving to Smackdown in last year's draft, Triple H is back on Raw. I've been a fan of the Cerebral Assassin for a long time, but at the same time, with his connection to the McMahon family officially reveled, I can't help but wonder if he pulled some strings to get moved back the the "Flagship" show. The real downside to this is the fact that the move to Smackdown gave Triple H a whole new list of people to face, and the Smackdown title picture was rather exciting for the last year.

This was a pleasant surprise. I've been liking MVP more and more recently, and to see him moved to the big show is good. i would have liked to see him face more of the guys on Smackdown, but considering his reign just started, there are just as many new opponents on Raw as there were on Smackdown.

Matt Hardy
Good: Matt can resume his feud with MVP over the US title, with their alignment switched this time. Bad: was hoping his feud with Jeff would be contained entirely on Smackdown. of course with the Hardys on different brands, that means there is twice as much time to develop their feud.

Big Show
This might be interesting. If Show stays in the title race, could have some half way decent matches against HHH. If not, I could see halfway decent feuds with Mr Kennedy, John Cena, Shawn Micheals, Kofi Kingston, Santino Marella, and Batista. or an amazingly craptaculer one with Festus. My bet is on a feud with Festus

Would be more impressed if she could actually wrestle.

The Miz
Miz going after the US title could be interesting, although that is about all I can see him doing for the time being beyond feuds with other people halfway decent on the mic. A feud with HBK, Santino, Kofi or Mr Kennedy would be cool.

Brie Bella and Nikkie Bella
Yay! The feud between the sisters can continue!

The Brian Kendrick
Kendrick has been rather unimpressive since he went solo. with his current cocky gimmick, wouldn't mind seeing him make a run at the US title, but I'm thinking he will get lost in the mix.

What's the point of having Festus as a singles wrestler?

Carlito and Primo
Good. At least the didn't break up the tag team champs for too long.

Why? What are they going to do with him if Finly's not there

Chavo Guerrero
What the hell will Chavo do other then push Vickie's wheel chair around? A few good matches against Rey or Kofi, but that is about it.

Mr Kennedy
Next Heavyweight Champion, for either title. Ok, maybe not, but a decent run with the US title is a given, and feuds with guys at or near the main event are possible too, as he proved during his feuds with Undertaker and HBK.


CM Punk
A run with the Heavyweight title is pretty much guaranteed thanks to winning the MITB match at Wrestlemania 25. Another run at the IC title wouldn't be bad either. a continuation of his feud with John Morrison, a long feud with Edge or Jericho would be cool, and a heel turn and feud with Jeff Hardy would be must see TV.

YAY! Another feud with Undertaker! Or a partnership. Either way YAY!

Rey Mysterio
Little less excited about Rey moving to Smackdown as I was about MVP's move to Raw. After all, Rey has been on Smackdown since the roster split. on the bright side, most of the last year or so he was there he was facing main eventers and there is a whole new group of mid card talent, most of whom he hasn't face yet. Perfect time to take the IC title to the blue brand.

Chris Jericho
A new set if wrestlers and fans for Jericho to insult. This guy needs to turn face bad. He was better when he didn't take him self so seriously.

At least Smackdown got a better wrestler then Raw did.

Charlie Hass
Lots more people for Hass to impersonate :)

Dolph Ziggler
Could be good, could be bad. We'll have to wait and see. Guessing he will at least take a shot at the IC title.

JTG and Shad
Why did they move them to a show with no Tag belt?

John Morrison
Should be interesting to see Morrison as a singles wrestler again. But he has always been better as part of a team.

So much for that better wrestler comment I made for Milena. Think Layla cancels her out.

Ricky Ortiz
Ricky is on a bigger show, but hopefully a new show will also result in a new gimmick. Not much more they can do with his rally towels.

Candice is on Smackdown! The draft is looking better for the Women's Division.

Mike Knox
Why is he still with the company?

Alicia Fox
Never mind. They got Alicia too.


Vladamir Koslov
Well that was pointless. I suppose he could feud with Mark Henry or something.

Hurricane Helms
Crap. Was hoping for a feud against Matt Hardy. Look for Helms to make a run at the Heavyweight title. And maybe even win it. Maybe.

Natalya and DH Smith
Formation of a new Hart Foundation anyone?

Zack Ryder
This guy is still with the company?

Ezekiel Jackson
Should be interesting to see what he can do.

Final Thoughts
Big shock. ECW got screwed in the initial draft.

With DH Smith and Natalya joining (officially in Natalya's case) Tyson Kidd, looks like the new Hart Foundation might be a reality. Now they just need to decide if it's worth the hassle and bring in Teddy Hart to lead them.

What the hell are they going to do with Jesse with Festus moved to Raw. It's not like he's useful as a singles wrestler or anything.

Gee, great. We get to see Triple H face a bunch of guys he's faced a few hundred times before. Is there any main eventers on Raw, other then possibly Chris Jericho, that Trips didn't face before the move to Raw. Oh wait, Jericho moved to Smackdown. Makes Triple H's move even more exciting! Actually it kind of makes sense to move him. After all, most of the stuff involving the McMahons is on Raw, and with him officially a member of the family, that is the place for him to be.

Does anyone really care that the Diva's and Women's titles changed shows?

Why were Miz and Morrison split up? They were a great team. With just one belt, why not move all teams to one show, keep these guys together (right now there are only 3 actual teams) and rebuild the tag division around them, the Colon bros, Priceless, and Cryme Time.

It wasn't officially part of the draft, but why did they move Todd Grisham to Smackdown? He and Matt Striker rocked as an announce team, and I'm sure they could have moved someone else to Smackdown to take Tazz's place. Someone like Jerry Lawler perhaps.


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