Friday, May 08, 2009

Two big YAY!!!!moments I just saw.

First, apparently Linkin Park's next album, which according to Wikipedia will be called "Chester's Dead By Sunrise", will be a concept album! I've always liked Concept Albums, and Linkin Park should be able to make a great one, possibly even one to rival my favs, The Wall, Dark Side Of The Moon, AND Truthless Heroes (Which, by the way, is not listed on Wikipedia's list of concept albums. Might have to change that after I'm done posting this.

Second, they are doing a song for Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen and it's not "Leave Out All The Rest" like some rumors have said, but a new song called "New Divide"

And on a completely unrelated note, with Project's next album, "Picket Fence Cartel" comes out on Bastille Day (July 14) and "Chester's Dead By Sunrise" Is supposed to be out this fall. Wish they would both hurry up ad come out sooner, I wan to listen to them now.


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