Thursday, October 01, 2009

it's really windy right now. windy and rainy.

It was worse about 20 minutes ago, when I woke up. after coming back from the bathroom I heard a tree comedown in the grove. Or at least part of one. if it weren't for the fact that this is supposed to continue like this for the next couple of days< I would go investigate when it got light out.

It's so windy right now that apparently it broke the Weather bug tracking station at the school ok, not so much broke as it can't actually say how windy it is at the moment, just the direction. wish I could see the cam footage from there, but apparently you have to be using the desktop app for that, and not the web site.

Update: lol. just as I hit publish, the wind died down to probably 10 or 15 MPH, much less then it was the entire time up to me clicking publish. Weatherbug still can't record it, but that is because the system is moving in that direction, so it might start saying how windy it actually is in a couple minutes. (or Mrs. Nieland, the environmental science teacher, has to go hit reset on it or something)


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