Monday, November 23, 2009

There has been a fair amount of talk about getting a new stadium for the Vikings, just like the Twins got one.

I'm guessing that there will be one. the deal might be made at the last minute, but it will happen. But it would be stupid to spend the time and money to get a new stadium when there is a perfectly good one all ready available.

Most people that want a new stadium will say that the Dome isn't designed as a football stadium, and they are right. It was made to house the Viking and the Twins, as well as concerts and big events and conferences. With the Twins in their own stadium and places like the Target Center giving event organizers another option, the Metrodome will be empty once the football season ends. With nothing going on, why not remodel it? Turn it from a multi purpose building into a football stadium. It might not create as many jobs as a new stadium would, and that is one of the big reasons most new stadium advocates say there should be one (even though those jobs would only exist for a few years, then allot of the people would be back on unemployment) but in the current economy it is the better choice. And it would make use of a decent building that is already paid for.


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