Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I'm watching an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Mona Lisa's Revenge Part 1 to be exact. In it, the kids get to be the first to see the Mona Lisa on display in London. Of course aliens get involved in some way and they, along with Sarah Jane and possible K-9, have to save the day.

The cool thing is, at the beginning the curator of the museum is staring at the painting and it reminded me of when I saw it. Everything in the Louvre was cool, and it was awesome to see all those famous paintings and sculptures. I particularly enjoyed the Egyptian stuff. But the coolest part was seeing the Mona Lisa. We were only able to get about 10 feet from it, and of course there was a huge amount of security , bullet proof glass covering it, that sort of thing. But to see one of the most famous paintings in the world that close. That was awesome.

We saw lots of amazing stuff while there. Château, the Eiffel Tower, L'arch De Triumph. But the things I remember most are the Claude Monet museum, the beaches of Normandy, and of course the Mona Lisa.

Hopefully some day soon, I will get to see them all in person again.


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