Saturday, June 12, 2010

My parents just got back. They were across the road checking out the Quonset. our neighbor, who stores some stuff in there called. apparently there is (or was, it has dried) water everywhere. They went to check it out and sure enough there was lots of damage.

The stupid this is that it was fine until some "Professionals" started re-shingling it. They aren't done since it has rained the last few days and they couldn't work on it, but the plastic or what ever it is that they put down under the (eventual) shingles is supposed to keep out the water.

Well it didn't work too well.

They got back and apparently Al (the neighbor) was right. Normally I wouldn't care too much, but 75+% of everything I own is in there. my couch, recliner, dressers, TV (Which I was going to replace anyways, but that is beside the point) books, video game stuff, ect is all in there. Some of it can't be replaced, and others I can't afford to.

The worse part, for me, is that my parents don't seem to care. When they were telling me they seemed to be rather indifferent about that face that the vast majority of my possessions may be ruined. Yes they are just things, but they are my things, and for someone who had hoped to get a new place soon, that means that if it all is gone, I basically have what is currently in the dungeon. If this is all I have left, I essentially have a sparsely decorated loft.

Everything seemed to be going so good. I found my wallet yesterday (!) and things seemed to be going good yesterday and today. Now this. Why do I get the feeling that this is a sign of how my day will go.

Great way to wake up.



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