Wednesday, June 09, 2010

YAY!!!! Time for a new episode of Ghost Hunters Academy!

I'm guessing Eric will be eliminated. Guess I will find out if I am right in an hour.

They are at Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum this week. Taps was there back in early 2008. I vaguely remember it, but that is more because I slightly recognize the buildings. Don't remember any of the evidence or experiences they had.

LOL. Adam said he was excited because the place held alot of lunatics in the past and that was really great.

Thought it was good that, on the drive there, the cadets started writing stuff down when Steve and Tango started telling them where they were going.

During the walk through, neither of the team leaders asked what rooms had power or anything, which lead to them looking all over the place looking for power during set up.

The investigation was pretty good, with some decent evidence. At one point, Vera said she heard a voice whisper her name and felt a breeze, but they didn't investigate it (At least they didn't show that on the show) This was backed up in the analysis when they caught her voice on the audio recorders at that same time.

At one point, Steve and Tango climbed a ladder and started blowing cigar smoke into a room (Tough job, standing around smoking cigars.) Adams team (Adam, Vera, Brett) Searched out the smell and found it (and Steve scared them) Rosalyn's team (Rosalyn, Dan, Eric, Michelle) smelt it, but Rosalyn dismissed it. Eric and Michelle investigated anyways and found the open window and ladder. Michelle also said she smelt coconut, but that might have been Vera or Rosalyn's perfume or something.

At one point, Adam's team were stopped by some bats and Steve and Tango were laughing their butts off watching it. I wonder if they were having flash backs to a time Jay and Grant sent them into an area with lots of bats while on an investigation.

In the end, Michelle was chosen as a team leader next week, and Adam was asked to be team leader again. Dan and Rosalyn were on the chopping block. Rosalyn seemed to be too skeptical, dismissing stuff like the cigar smoke with out investigating. She also seemed to be bossy and controlling, while also too eager to follow Steve and Tango's orders. Dan didn't do much (that was shown) the entire investigation. I think I heard him speak 3 times the entire investigation. He also urned off his audio recorder when they went to investigate a sound.

In the end, Dan was eliminated. I'm guessing it was close.

Yes I know I said Eric at the top. I was typing this during the show and that was typed before it started. I figured it should be kept there, although by the first commercial break of the actual investigation, I knew it would be Dan.

My thought on the rest of the team.

Adam--Good leader, thinks alot like Jay and Grant during investigation. Good leadership and debunking skills
Michelle--Good questions and creativity during the investigations
Brett--Film student, which could be good for tech. good investigator and analysis skills.
Vera--Did a good job investigating and seems to have good hearing. Worked well as a team and good debunking skills
Eric--Debunking and analysis. Skeptical, calling stuff as he sees it until the evidence proves him wrong.

Next week should be interesting. They are going to the Mark Twain house, which had some good evidence if I remember right, and it will be boys VS girls.



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