Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The first episode of WWE NXT was on tonight. I had alot of fun posting my thoughts on Ghost Hunters Academy and figured I would do the same for NXT. Slightly different since it is a weekly show instead of essentially a mini series, but should still be fun. And like GHA, I will be typing this up as I watch the show. If nothing else, it gets me posting at least once a week.

So far, I'm liking it. Of course that might have to do with the fact that the first person in the ring was Bryan Danielson. Opps. Daniel Bryan. That's going to take some getting use to. He's definitely the most boring looking and laid-back of the 8 rookies, but who cares. It's Daniel-Freaking-Bryan! He even came out wearing his American Dragon robe! The "Tap Or Snap" catch phrase he was forced to come up with is stolen from Kurt Angle, but it works. Looking forward to seeing how things play out between Bryan and The Miz.

During the break, Matt Stryker said that the WWE was all about respect. That is kind of true. Unless you are talking about a wrestler's past with companies not owned by WWE.

Michael Tarver was up next. the video they showed about him made him look pretty impressive. He teamed with his mentor Carlito to take on Heath Slater and his mentor Christian.

Not sure if it is his look or because he acts overly confidant and cocky, but I am have a feeling I won't be able to stand Slater.

Overall, I'm not impressed. Slater showed slightly above basic wrestling skills, and Tarver didn't really show any. The best part of the match was when Carlito and Christian were the legal men! Tarver not having much skill (or at least not showing much) isn't a bad thing in wrestling though, because he did look like he would be a good brawler. Hopefully they will do better next week. Christan and Slater won

Darren Young took on David Otunga in the next match. Young apparently is a partier and was having a blast. The Straight Edge Society looked pissed. That should be almost as interesting a pair as Miz and Danielson. I mean Bryan. Despite what Cole said, the match wasn't that impressive. Otunga won.

Got to admit, I marked out a bit when they announced the main event. Chris Jericho VS Bryan Danielson.


Daniel Bryan.

Bryan pushed Miz out of the way during his entrance and it looked like Bryan wanted to sing Final Countdown when he was on the top rope. Maybe next time.

BTW. According to the RAW ad they showed right after the ring intros, Bret Hart's accident a couple weeks ago was "Shocking and controversial." Apparently there is a new meaning to controversial. Pointless and kind of stupid. Just thought I would let anyone who actually reads this know.

liked the fact that Bryan wanted to follow the Code Of Honor at the start of the match and shake hands. Apparently Cole is going to be the heel announcer for the show. Not sure how that will work. I liked the Danielson chant during the match too. At least that is what it sounded like they were chanting.

Even though I knew there was no chance that Bryan would win, I thought Jericho might actually tap for a while there. But not that big of a shock that Y2J won.

Time for the final thoughts

Over all, not a bad start. Aside from Bryan we didn't really get to see or hear much from the rookies, but the first show was about introducing the new guys, and they did a decent job.

Can't really say anything about Justin Gabriel or whoever the hell Regal is mentoring, since they weren't there.Kind of sucks that all they got was an appearance at the beginning.

Wade Barrett looks like he is trying for some sort of Godfather gimmick. and I'm talking the Corleone Godfather, not the Ho-Train Godfather from the WWE in the 90's.

I'm not to impressed with Darren Young or Heath Slater. Hopefully they will change that in the future.

Not to impressed with David Ortunga or Micheal Tarver either, but they have the most potential over all. Tarver could be a monster type gimmick, where he goes in, beats people up, and walks away. Think most monsters, like Umaga. Not a big guy like most monsters, but still a butt kicking monster. Ortunga I can see having some sort of "i'm better then you because of my past" type gimmick. and the best part is it wouldn't be a gimmick for him!

And of course Daniel Bryan. Could have been better, but he rocked!

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go watch some of his matches. Thinking either his match against Jamie Nobel for the ROH title at Glory By Honor 4 or his Best of 3 Falls match against CM Punk at FIP's Bring The Pain event.

Or maybe both.



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