Monday, July 19, 2010

I've said it in the past (Not here, but in my head at least) and last night proved it.

WWE is trying to make The Miz into the second coming of The Rock.

Think about it. Both started off as faces (Rock as Rocky Maivia, an in ring competitor. Miz as Mike Mizanin, his real name, an on air personality.) They both became heels soon afterwards. They both are good on the mic and extremely sure of themselves. They both can be described as charismatic bullies. The even both have "The" for their first name!

I've liked Miz for quite some time, at least on the mic. After he and John Morison split, everyone thought it would be Morrison that would make it big. I figured it would be both. Since then Morrison has held the IC title and that is about it. Miz had held the Tag Belts, the US title multiple times, has appeared on all 4 shows, sometimes in a single week, and is the only Pro to return for NXT Season 2 (Maybe it should be renamed "The Miz Show if he comes back for a third season)

Last night, he won the Raw Money In The Bank match, giving him a guaranteed title shot anytime he wants it in the next year. I have a feeling that he will cash it in and take the belt from Cena, renewing their feud from after Miz was drafted to Raw. And eventually, he will turn face.

And much like Randy Orton's, and Ken Anderson's face turns (and CM Punk's Heel turn) I can't wait to see it.


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