Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Writing Month--November 2010

Another year, another NaNoWriMo. Lat year was another unofficial year apparently, but I typed 7649 words. Not great, but better then I did on 2008. Hopefully this year I will do better.

As for my projects this year, once again SPW is in there. I went back and have been working on creating the definitive version of the show and working on creating the Wrestleverse as well. There were a lot of early stories that didn't turn out as well as I would have liked, so I'm going through and re-writing them or in some cases removing them all together (at one point 5 Alarm had 3 different storylines all going at the same time and all three suffered as a result) I'm also introducing new characters and some new companies to the Wrestleverse. Plus with this reboot of sorts I can go through and get character and title histories, at least as far as the time after the start of SPW is concerned.

I am also working on a series called "Phoenix". It is a spin off of sorts from Fantasy, starting here. It is about a cyborg that uses a mystical artifact to stop his creator from taking over earth. should be fun. I have it plotted out to 5 volumes at the moment, but am focusing on Vol.1 at the moment. the plot changes with each volume (at least a bit) but that is the plot for the first one. Who knows. maybe I will get really ambitous and write everything I planned to this year as well as start Vol.2

In addition to all that, I might work on some site re-design and I have to finish this years Halloween story. I started it but didn't get far before I had to stop for pumpkin carving (pics will be up soon hopefully) The site re-design is more site creation the re-design, but I will talk about that more when I actually get it done.

Finally, with no new games coming out that I am looking forward to (or more accurately that I can afford) there shouldn't be many distractions from those. Just Smackdown VS Raw 2011, maybe some Left 4 Dead and Red Dead Redemption and Dead Rising 2: Case Zero. Lots of games, but they all tell fairly decent stories, so I consider them more research then wastes of time.

Update: 11/1 Word Count: 0. Post is up. Time to get writing. There will be no distrac....Oooo. Sci Fi movies all day on AMC and Top Gun at 7. Doctor Who marathon on SyFy and Psych Marathon on Sleuth. Damn

Update: 12/1 Word Count: 1352. Well, could have been worse. Could have been better. NaNoWriMo is over and I wrote 1352 words :( And they weren't even in a completed project. They were from about 5 different unfinished projects! On the bright side, at least I got an official word count in this year and I am officially a participant this year! And there is a House marathon on Slueth today to cheer me up. YAY!!!!

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