Friday, October 07, 2005

National Novel Writing Month

On The Simpsons, Marge is writing a novel. It got me to thinking about National Novel Writing Month. I'm thinking about participating this year, although I haven't decided yet. I'll let you know when I decide. Here is the guide (it's funny)

How NaNoWriMo Works (in Ten Easy Steps)

1) Sign up for the event starting October 1, 2005 by clicking the Sign up Now link at the top of the site. This will register you as a NaNoWriMo participant and create a basic author profile and account for you on our site.

2) After creating an account, log into it. Click “Edit Profile” in the top tab. Add a photo and exciting bits of biographical information about yourself and your book-to-be.

3) “Affiliate” with a region or regions. This tells our computer which NaNoWriMo Regional Lounge to offer you in the forums, which local events calendar and photo links to show you on the Local Events page, and gets you CC'd on emails pertaining to any wild novelist gatherings going on in your area.

To choose a region, go to "Edit Profile" again and look for the "Regional Affiliation” link there on the left. Use the “Join A Region" drop-down menu to find the region that best describes your area. Unless you live in a major city, you will likely be choosing an “Elsewhere” region, such as “Colorado :: Elsewhere” or “Ontario :: Elsewhere.”

4) Great. You’re all set. Now begin your novel-planning procrastination by reading through all the great advice and funny stories in the forums. Post some stories and questions of your own. Get excited. Get nervous. Eat lots of chocolate and pamper yourself in preparation for the fiction-fueled escapade to come.

5) At midnight, local time on November 1, begin writing your novel. Your goal is to write a 50,000-word novel by midnight, local time, on November 30th.

6) This is not as scary as it sounds.

7) Starting November 1 we’re going to swap out your current, dowdy author profile for a space-age author profile that will be so beautiful it will make you weep for days afterwards. It will also likely break immediately, as we're launching it for the first time this year, and it is more complicated than anything we've ever attempted before. This new author profile will have space for you to upload your work-to-date for word-count tracking purposes, it will also display a log of your progress and that of your Writing Buddies, and will generate many cool charts and graphs, very few of which are in any way essential to the event. You will also be able to post parts of your novel here for others to read starting November 1.

8) Write like crazy for thirty days. If you write 50,000 words of fiction by midnight, local time, November 30th, you will be added to our hallowed Winner’s Page, and receive a handsome winner’s certificate and web icon. The adding of your name to the Honor Roll of Winners requires that you send in a version of your novel in text format (scrambled for security) to our site to be counted.

9) This is not as scary as it sounds either, and we'll post step-by-step instructions on how to upload your novel to our team of superpowered computational robots (flown in from Germany every year) starting in mid-November.

10) Win or lose, you rock for even trying.


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