Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Rainy Day

What is it about a rainy day that I find so enjoyable. For as long as I remember I have never had a problem with rainy days. Whether camping or sitting at home, I have always loved the rain. Maybe it's the clean, refreshing smell and the cooler temps that accompany rain. Maybe it's the relaxing sound of rain on the ground and thunder in the air. Maybe it's the fact that all the diry and grime in the world seems to be washed away in the rain and the world is clean, at least for a moment. Maybe it's the fact that the flickering of lights and the resounding crash of thunder that follow a particularly close bolt of lightning that never fails to bring a smile to my face.

Perhaps it's the fact that, in a thunder storm, I find similarities with my own personality; at one moment a happy-go-luckly, friendly, out going man, the next a angry, some what bitter man consumed by rage. Maybe I find confort in the fact that such duality of personalitis exsists in nature as well.

What ever the reason, when I finish typing this I will return to my post, kneeling in an over-stuffed chair, staring out an open window. The view hasn't changed much since I last looked, perhaps a bit wetter since the rain picked up. Regardless of the reason or the view, I will stare out the window and watch the rain with happiness and peace in my heart.


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