Wednesday, September 21, 2005

ACLU Surrenders!

Found this on Stop The ACLU (I love this site) I think I will take the same route as them and let the press release speaak for it's self (with just a little info from them.

"Saying that ACLU Nebraska “was just out of options,” executive director Tim Butz said it won’t take the Plattsmouth Ten Commandments case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Unless the ACLU’s Plattsmouth client finds another legal team to make a final appeal to the high court, the tombstone-shaped monument can remain in a city park in Plattsmouth, about 20 miles south of Omaha.

The 14 board members who attended a meeting voted unanimously not to fight the Aug. 19 appellate ruling."

The original case was filed by an athiest coward too scared to reveal their identity, who was offended by it because they could see it on their way to work. Apparantly looking away was impossible. The defenders of the commandments argued that the commandments were not an endorsement of religion since they were a gift donated in 1950s and 1960s by the Fraternal Order of Eagles.

I’m not going to expound very much on this other than to say it is a victory for religious freedom. Besides, Jefferson Downing, who had served as local counsel for Plattsmouth at each level of the case summed up my feelings nicely in one sentence.

“Those monuments aren’t a threat to America,” Downing said, “but the ACLU is a threat to our small towns.”

Amen to that brother!

Good Guys 1, Commie Lawyers...sorry ACLU 0

Boo Yeah



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