Wednesday, September 21, 2005

No More Kim?

Ok, this is fracked up. Normally, the first thing I do when I get home is check out Habb's blog, followed by Kim Du Toit's. Ok, that's not entirely true. The first thing I do is get something to eat, change out of my work cloths, and watch Deep Space 9 on Spike, but after I finish eating I check out those blogs.

About 10 days ago the Power Supply on my CPU decided to commit suicide, which is why I am typing this on my Laptop. I didn't want to put the Laptop online. It was a last resort, but that is a rant for a different time. When I finally got back online, I tried to get back into my normal surfing pattern, and for that first day everything was fine. Then the next day, Kim Du Toit's blog didn't want to load. After a week of trying, I finally got through, only to see a message that the site was permanently closed. WHAT! Thinking it was just my computer, I asked a friend to check it out for me and he got the same message.

So I decided to do some research. Was this for real? Was it the work of a hacker who hates Kim? Eventually a Google Search gave me the answers I needed. Rivrdog and The Anarchangel revealed that, in order to get a job he had applied for, Kim had to close down the blog. Chris Byrne, a friend of Kim's, has announced that the Nation Of Riflemen is still alive, with the forums available here Hopefully Kim's archive's will be available soon. Also hopefully he will continue to post, either on the NoR forums of on The Anarchangel, Chis Byrne's blog.

So why is this fracked up? Simple. In order to get the job Mr Du Toit had to give up his freedom of speech. I've never been in that bad of a financial situation, and as far as I'm concerned Kim did the right thing. He has been out of work for a while and had a family to think of. He did what he had to do and in my opinion, family comes first. I place the blame on his employer. If they did in fact tell him to shut the site down, then what they are doing is unconstitutional. I can understand if it is some Top Secret government thing, but as far as I know it isn't.

I've often told friends that I refuse to join the military, but I will fight to the death if I need to in order to protect this country and the values upon which it was formed. That is why I am writing this. It is my way of fighting against an un-Amarican employer. I know that they will never see this and I doubt that anyone will even read this, but this is all I can do to fight back against this injustice.

Hopefully Mr. Du Toit will be able to start the site back up soon or at least post the full story on his site. Until then thanks for posting Kim, and good luck.




Blogger Thomas More said...

I don't know exactly what happened either. But I have a feeling that most employers wouldn't want to hire someone in a public role who had written the kinds of things he has on his site. (Ranting about "ragheads" and hanging liberals from telephone poles spring to mind as examples.) So I have a feeling they don't know about the site, and he doesn't want them (or their clients) to know. That's understandable, frankly.

9:35 PM  

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