Friday, November 04, 2005

The ACLU are idiots

Some stuff I saw on Stop The ACLU

The first is This. It seems the people voted to an amendment that marriage be recognized as being one man and one woman. They voted for it 2 to 1. Yet judges have ruled that government employees in same-sex relationships are entitled to all the rights and benefits that are extended to married state workers. I wouldn't have a problem with this if it weren't for the fact that the people voted for it. Ok, I would have a problem. I have signed several petitions to get such an ammendment put to the vote here in MN. But I wouldn't have as big a problem. I just hate it when judges and groups like the ACLU go against the wishes of the people.

The second, and the reason for the title of this post, is This. The ACLU is sueing over a Voter ID law in New Mexico. And you now what? I would agree with them if this was a perfect world. Unfortunatly we live in a world where voter fraud is real. People registering pets, dead relatives, even fictional characters. I wonder how many Frodo Baggins voted in the last election.

The reason they are against this law is because they say that it descriminates against the poor and homeless, who might not have a valid ID. First of all I find it had to believe that anyone wouldn't have a valid ID or the ability to get one. Second of all, If they don't have a valid ID and can't get one, then file an absentee ballot, which doesn't require ID, just a sociel security number.

The ACLU has been busy lately and with Christmas right around the corner they will be even busier. I should have plenty to post about, even if this is the only subject I post about.


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