Friday, November 04, 2005

Wierd Nintendo Controller

Recently I decided to create a room of doom. If you don't know what that is, it s something that Tips and Tricks Magazine does. You send in pics and info of your game colletion (systems, number of games, ect.) and they post it in their magazine. I don't think I will send in any picks, but with over 200 games on PC and various consoles I think I have a good start.

As part of this I decided to get some games that for one reason or another, mostly the fact that I was young and broke, I couldn't get before. The first one added to my collection was Castlevania for the NES. It hasn't arrived yet (hopefully tomarrow) but before I got it I wanted to fix my NES controllers. The down and right buttons didn't work. Last time I tried I ended up flipping the insides around so that it was now up and left that don't work. Still annoying, but more games can be played now. After a few days of not working on it, I decided to try again. The only differance is apparently I spilled some Kool Aid on it. Don't know when, but I did. I took it apart and tried just the insides and the board. Worked fine. Added the buttons, worked fine. Put everthing together and started up Dragon Warrior (the game that was in the system,) worked fine.

So the moral of the story? If you have a NES controller that doesn't work, spill Kool Aid on it. Not too much though. Just a little. Seemed to do the trick for my controller


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